What you will need

Make sure that you have prepared the following points:


1. Access the edge device remotely (Access the Edge Device via Remote Terminal).

2. Download the SDK on the edge device. In the terminal type in the following command and press return.

wget https://download-iot.teamviewer.com/sdks/nodejs/v1.0.3/teamviewer-iot-sdk-nodejs-v1.0.3.tar.gz

Extract and install the SDK. In the terminal type in the following commands and press return.

sudo tar -zxvf teamviewer-iot-sdk-nodejs-v1.0.3.tar.gz
cd teamviewer-iot-sdk-nodejs
sudo npm install

3. Optional: run the SDKs’ examples. In the terminal type in the following command and press return.

sudo node ./examples/create_metric.js